Alzheimer Cafe Camberley

The Alzheimer Cafe in Camberley is finding new ways to keep supporting the community during these uncertain times and I am please to share the news that they running a new virtual Man with a Pan course. Please see leaflet for details.

Macmillan Community Cancer Navigator

Macmillan Community Cancer Navigator

The Macmillan Community Cancer Navigator can help you find the right practical, financial and emotional support.  The free service can signpost anyone, whose life is touched by cancer, to resources to empower them to find the personalised help they need.  

Everyone is different.  What matters to YOU?

  • Practical Help
  • Financial Concerns
  • Wellbeing
  • Emotional Support
  • Returning to Work

A programme of wellbeing events is usually available on topics including: managing fatigue, nutrition and holistic therapies, but unfortunately due to Covid 19, is currently on hold. 

Get in Touch

  07880 502267

[email protected]

GPs volunteer for new front-line roles in so-called “hot clinics” to tackle the coronavirus outbreak.

Illustrated by Andy Stonehouse

GPs from across Surrey Heath have established a ‘hot site’ at Heatherside Surgery in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Hot hubs will be used exclusively for suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus whom doctors have decided need further attention following an initial telephone consultation. Hot Hubs will be used for patients with respiratory signs and symptoms and fevers, who need to be seen by a GP, when Coronavirus is a potential diagnosis. We also will see patients here with proven Coronavirus who require further medical attention after discharge. Patients with potential COVID should have contacted 111 online or by phone first.

GPs will then be able to carry out further tests either in their car or within the practice, including oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, pulse and temperature, to work out which patients need to be taken to hospital for ventilation and which should remain at home. The Hot Hub is not a COVID test centre, no swabbing for the virus is available at the hot Hub.

The response from the GPs has been amazing. Their commitment to staffing the ‘hot site’ at Heatherside Surgery in Camberley, supporting Surrey Heath residents and patients was overwhelming.  With thanks to Farnham Rugby Club for the loan of the Gazebo, and to Longacres Garden Centre for the provision of cones and other equipment.

Improved access to GP Practices

Local GP practices are working together to offer patients better access to GP appointments in Surrey Heath. check out Improved access to GP Practices  for more information.